Appreciation from Indian Consulate

October 10, 2003

An Indian cultural troupe comprising of folk singer Prahlad Singh Tipanya, classical singer Krishna Kant Shukla and their accompanying artists Ashok Tipanya, Ajay Tipanya, and Devnarayan Sarolia, visited the US on a trip sponsored by ICCR from September 19 to November 15,2003. The program was coordinated by Prof Linda Hess of Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA.
I had the privilege of attending one of their performances at Braun Music Center, Stanford University on October 5,2003 and was deeply impressed by their musical skills and their deep understanding ofKabir’s poetry and music. Their artistry and their amiable nature were deeply appreciated by the audience. I wish them continued success in all their future endeavors.

Akhilesh Mishra

Deputy Consul General
Tel: 001-415-668-0951
Oft: 001-415-221-4578
Fax: 001-415-668-2073
Email: com[AT]lndianConsulate-sf[DOT]org

40,ARGUELLO BOULEVARD, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94118 Tel:415-668-0662I Fax:415-668-2073
Website: IE-Mail: LIB[AT]lndianConsulate-sf[DOT]org

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